We are happy to announce that our new blog C.E.S SHOP now ready to be viewed online. You can buy sugarcraft material online through this blog.
by SHAHRIL SHAMSUDIN 019 2349452
ICCA Cake Competition 2010, Malaysia.
1st Prize Wedding Cake.
Gold Award Certificate
Highly Commended.
Royal Adelaide Show 2010, South Australia
State Cake Decorating Competition South Australia 2010 ,
2nd Prize Miniature Wedding Cake.
3rd Prize with Bronze Award for Floral Arrangement
Cake Decorating and Sugar Art Competition in Squires Kitchen Annual Exhibition 2010
Bronze Award for miniature wedding cake.
State Cake Decorating Competition South Australia 2009 ,
2nd Prize Miniature Wedding Cake.
State Cake Decorating Competition South Australia 2008 ,
1st Prize Floral Sugar Art with Silver Award.
State Cake Decorating Competition South Australia 2008 ,
3rd Prize Freestyle Sugar Art with Bronze Award
Blog Design by Gisele Jaquenod